Initiating the “Pin it to me!” series…
Let’s face it….Pinterest is as popular as Facebook nowadays and I am just as addicted to it as you are, yes YOU. There are always so many inventive things on there, I just can’t keep my eyes away – it’s a sad but oh so satisfying addiction.
So, I thought it would be fun to start trying some of these things out to see if they actually work. I will say that one of my first attempts was a complete SUCCESS! I saw a picture of a little boy in a cardboard box deeply lost in a coloring frenzy… the post read something like “How to keep a 2 year old busy”. I thought CLEARLY that would NEVER work with my 20 month old daughter who likes nothing but to be free as a butterfly all over the house. And when I say all over, I mean she truly likes to use every square inch of it.
Well, in one of those I need to cook, do laundry while feeding the 3 month old baby brother, but big sister just wants to be held by mommy moments, I thought what the heck, it’s worth a try. Since we still have some unpacking to do I still have boxes around, so I got the first one I saw, brought it to the kitchen, threw some crayons in it and something magical happened.
Look at that little hand go! I couldn’t take a still shot for the life of me!
My 5 year old niece came down this past weekend and loved it too! Now I need a new box!
Who knew right? A box and some crayons! It’s all good with this mommy! What keeps your little ones busy? I would love to know!