How to Make a Mood Board

How To Make Mood Boards How to Make a Mood Board

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Happy Friday everyone! We made it! 

I will be honest, I almost thought I wouldn’t. This week was super stressful, my littlest is getting sick and I don’t feel so great myself. I am looking forward to wrapping up the housework for the week today and spending a quiet evening relaxing with the family. 

But before I do that I wanted to share how I create my mood boards for my home decor projects. This tutorial has been a long time coming and I have been asked so many times to share this on my YouTube channel, so today is the day! 

Now, these are called so many things… mood boards, design boards, vision boards… and they are all okay. 

If you have been here a while you would have seen these a time or two (or three of four). Like when I did my great room in my last house…

Great Room Transformation Vision Board BEFORE. png How to Make a Mood BoardMy kitchen in my last house…

ROTM Challenge June 2019 Week 1 How to Make a Mood Board


And even my sunroom for our current house… (the list goes on). Sunroom Vision Board Hunter How to Make a Mood Board


And since I still needed to create one for my laundry room, I thought I would take you along so that you can see my exact process and how easy it is! 

Now, you are probably wondering why I do this and if it is necessary. 

Well, there are 2 main reasons I like to create them. 

  1. I have what you call the “squirrel” syndrome and I get distracted by all the pretty things. So I like to take all those things that I like and put them together in order to see if they actually go together well. I get that actual visual that either tells me “Yes, girl! That’s what I want!” or “Eh, you might want to keep tweeking.” And since I am a visual person, this helps me to create a cohesive look. 
  2. Again, the”squirrel” syndrome comes into place here as well. A Mood Board keeps me on track! I get distracted and tempted to buy things that I don’t need. By having this board, I get to stick to my key design elements and actually finish the entire project. Imagine that!  

So if you are like me, and need a little bit of structure this is for you. 

I created a video tutorial for this so you can actually see me in action. How I get images, crop them, add them and place them on my board. 

So grab your coffee and take notes. 



And here is what the final laundry room mood board looks like! 

Laundry Room Vision Board 1024x576 How to Make a Mood Board
 I think it turned out pretty well! 

And if you are wondering about any of the sources above, here they are:

Let me know what you think of the tutorial and how you like my vision board for my laundry room! 

Don’t forget to PIN and share with your friends! 

How To Make Mood Boards How to Make a Mood Board

I will see you guys soon! 

Until then, adios! 

Yami Signature How to Make a Mood Board




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