DIY Lit Birch Wreath – Pottery Barn Dupe


Welcome to Day 1 of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!

12 Days of Christmas Ideas 2018 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

We have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you a oodles of DIY Ideas and Recipes to make your holiday season merrier. There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!

GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!

It’s Day 1 and we are sharing DIY Wreath Ideas!

DIY Lit Birch Wreath – Pottery Barn Dupe

For my DIY Wreath, I decided to do something totally different and out of my comfort zone, because I figured everyone would be expecting a traditional Christmas wreath. I saw this amazing looking lit birch wreath on Pottery Barn’s site.

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Yeah, it was pretty but too expensive so I decided to recreate it myself.

And don’t forget you can always see a video tutorial of this project on my YouTube channel


I had this foam wreath from Dollar Tree in my craft stash…

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 4 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe


I painted it with a tan acrylic paint I had on hand.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 5 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

I decided to use some “faux” wood scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby, but since it was one-sided I had to paint the other side. And I just brushed on that tan acrylic paint along with some great and white. I just used long streaks and alternated the colors.

Below you can see what both sides looked like.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

Okay so after the paint dried, I created a leaf template from poster board and I traced it on the paper and began to cut the small leaves. I used 3 sheets total for this 10 inch wreath…


DIY Lit Birch Wreath 1 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

After they were all cut, I used a hot glue stick (not hot of course) to create a curve on the leaves.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 2 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

Then I began hot-gluing them to the wreath. I made sure to place both front and backs of the paper randomly and I also did not add any leaves on the back so that it would lay flat up against the wall.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 3 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe


This is what the wreath looked like after it had all the leaves on it.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 7 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe


Then since the original had glitter on it I mixed some gold and silver from my stash (gotta love that stash!) and added to it randomly as well.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 6 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

I decided to also dry-brush some gold acrylic paint throughout it as well. The best brush to use for this is a fan brush.

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 8 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe


Then finally, I sprayed it with some spray adhesive so that the glitter wouldn’t keep going everywhere.

I think I still have glitter on me ?

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 9 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

And voila! I had my own “birch” wreath!

I added the same kind of fairy lights that I used for my farmhouse floral sconces and it works great!

DIY Lit Birch Wreath 10 DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

Whatcha think? I know it’s different, but I am so glad I tried it! The original cost $129 and mine only cost $3.25! Can’t beat that.

If you liked it too, please pin and share with your friends!

DIY Lit Burch Wreath Pin DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

I will see you guys Wednesday!

Yami Signature DIY Lit Birch Wreath   Pottery Barn Dupe

Scroll down for many more DIY Wreath Ideas for your holiday season!

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  1. I LOVE this!!! What a great job in duplicating the wreath…it turned out perfect!!! And the cost…..Perfect!! Thank you for sharing your talents!

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