Art Inspiration from an Unlikely Source


I follow and get inspired by several more experienced bloggers online. One of them is Kris from Driven by Decor.  She has really great taste and I just hope one day I get to be as good as her when it comes to putting things together and making them look spectacular. She has been debating for a while now whether or not she will change her fireplace tile and has provided her readers with several options of what has come to mind. One of them being this beauty here from Cement Tile Shop.

How beautiful are these!!!!

Nantes Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceI fell in love with them right away, but of course I have no need for them and even if I did, they are kinda pricey, well at least not in this Latina’s budget.

Then one day, I was at my local Goodwill and I came across some really awesome finds.

Goodwill Hunting Art 5 Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceOn this particular day I scored 4 down cushions and 4 13 x 13 record frames.  Each frame only cost $1.51. Oh yeah!

I remembered that I had some leftover white denim fabric from another project so I checked to see if I had enough to create some art for these frames and what would you know, I did!!!!! Don’t you just love it when the stars align?!?!?

I cut the fabric to fit each frame and I used my serger to make sure the ends wouldn’t fray. For the pattern, I basically free-handed the drawing onto a 13 x 13 sheet of clear contact paper. I cut out the pattern and used it to trace it onto each piece of fabric with a green colored pencil. The pencil color didn’t really matter since I was going to paint right over it.

Goodwill Hunting Art 2 Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceThen I simply just mixed in equal parts of fabric medium with navy blue acrylic paint that I bought for $1.67 and began filling in the pattern.

Goodwill Hunting Art Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceOn this one I actually had a little boo boo outside the green lines so I acted like it was part of the design. And because of a few mistakes, my final design changed a bit from the original inspiration. I was okay with it though. It actually doesn’t look that bad with the changes. Of the 4 squares, I created 2 separate patterns and put the mirror image diagonally across from the other…. (lost, see below).

Goodwill Hunting Art 3 Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceNot bad for a project that only cost a total of $7.71. These are actually hung in my dining room which I blogged about here.

Goodwill Hunting Art 4 Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceAnother great thing about this project is that whenever I get tired of the pattern, I can just paint something else I find online and I won’t feel bad because the cost wasn’t much at all!
Just goes to show that you can find inspiration in almost anything or from anyone.

Dining Reveal 8 Art Inspiration from an Unlikely SourceThis picture was actually taken during the holidays, but this gives you a sense of how large they are and where they are located. I think they are a perfect fit!

Hope you liked this project!

Your Latina,



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