Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail Station


Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail Station 683x1024 Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail Station

Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail Station

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Fall is upon us and the days are getting cooler now. I enjoy being outdoors and soaking up the sun while enjoying the less humid days here in Georgia. We have been staying at my parents’ home now for a few weeks before we make the big move to our new property. I haven’t mentioned much about our big move here on the blog, but if you are interested in knowing more, you can watch this to get a better idea of what is going on. 

I am currently working on updating a space in my parents’ house and by the time we are done we should be getting close to being ready for the move. It’s been a little challenging being away from a space of my own.

I don’t have my own craft space. 

I don’t have my own kitchen. 

I don’t have my own living space. 

I don’t even have my own homeschool space. 

I have been less inspired to film let alone write blog posts. It feels so weird not having my own home right now. And while I know it’s just temporary it can still be tough at times. 

Of course, you are not here to hear about these challenges, so today I am sharing an inexpensive and functional DIY using the faux leather you find at Dollar Tree. I was inspired by this mail organizer I saw at Target and while it’s not that expensive I still thought I could make it for even less. 


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Before you begin you will need the pattern which I have provided in my free printables library If you haven’t already subscribed to received access just click the link to take you to the page to sign up.

All you need to is print out the file, cut out the pieces and tape them together to get this exact shape. All of the pieces are labeled to make it super easy to assemble. 

Mail Drop Station Pattern 791x1024 Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail StationIn order to replicate this you will need to have 2 of the faux leather pieces from Dollar Tree. The first piece will allow you to cut the entire pattern as shown below. 

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The second piece will allow you to include a rectangular shape for the inside of the organizer. This is not necessary, but adding this piece will definitely make the piece a lot nicer and higher end looking. 

Simply cut the rectangular piece to fit inside of the pattern. You will need to glue it to the larger one. I used E6000 for this so that I would not get any ridges from hot glue. 

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After this you will fold the pieces in, starting with the bottom one first. 

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Then, the right…

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Then the left. You will be gluing this together with E6000 as you go. Make sure you don’t glue them to the back, or else you won’t have an envelope. 

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Next you will need to cut 4 smaller pieces, 4 inches in length and 1 inch width. 

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It’s best to use a box cutter and straight edge for a perfect cut. 

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Glue the ends of two of them together and glue them to the bottom back of the envelope. The other two will be glued to the top, but be sure to “sandwich” the top of the envelope between the two ends. 

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Add the tops of thumbtacks to give the envelope more detail. I just used wire cutters to cut the sharp parts off and I used E6000 to adhere them onto the faux leather.

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Then I need to put some dowels through the hoops. I used a square one that I had on hand and cut it down to make 2. 

Next, I took some clear command hooks and I spray painted them in gold. 

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These are small and perfect for the dowels I was using since they are actually made to hold electronic cable wires (like along a wall or piece of furniture).

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I attached the command hooks to the wall and fed the dowels through. 

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You can leave as is or add some gold “S” hooks to mimic the original inspiration. You can’t really hang anything heavy on this, however, you can always hang something light like a baseball cap or some keys. 

And that is it! You have your very own faux leather mail station. I think this is super cute and perfect for either small apartments or even campers where it’s best not to drill or hammer anything into the walls. 

You can use it for incoming or outgoing mail. Perhaps drop some important receipts or school docs you need to keep close. 

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I have even more ideas using Dollar Tree’s faux leather and you can always watch them below. 


Let me know what you think and don’t forget to share this with your friends who love decorating on a budget! 


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I hope to see you all soon!

Until then… adios! 

Yami Signature 300x161 Dollar Tree Faux Leather Mail Station

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